Donate to CHS Bands
Band Needs and
Fundraising Goals
Band 'Merch' Store
2024 Inventory list coming soon
Donation Needs
CHS Falcon Band Scholarships
This is perhaps the biggest area of need. General Scholarships can cover, marching band fees, trip fees, general fees, instrument rental fees, an other costs that are associated with traveling and performing.
Band Scholarships ..................................................................... $3,000
Fundraising Plans
We are planning on participating in some group fundraising opportunities for the 2022-23, 23-24 school years. These are designed to offset the personal cost for the individual but to also raise funds for the general band. Some of these will be ongoing throughout the year and some will be once a year. We will also be applying for grants from local and national sources.
CHS Mattress Fundraiser ............................................................................................... November 2024
Discount Cards ............................................................................................................... June 2024
CHS Performing Arts Banner Business Sponsors .......................................................... July 2024
Let's Dance - Big Band Dinner Dance ............................................................................ May 9-10, 2025
Business Banner Sponsors
We love partnering with our local businesses. We feel it a win win relationship when we are able to receive a sponsor ship from businesses, especailly local ones. The program is as follows.
Businesses can sponsor the band in the following seasons (performance seasons for the band/choir/orchestra/theatre). During any given month there are many events that take place in the CHS auditorium. Some are local school functions (band/choir/orchestra concerts) while others are third party activities (surrounding jr high's, choirs, orchestra's, dance groups, civic meetings, district meetings, etc...) Sponsor banners are 3' x 6' full color, with your logo as the center point. Sponsor opportunities are as follows
Sponsor Price $ Seasons Date Ranges & Details
(individual season) $400 ($350 renewal) Fall Season Homecoming & Sadie's Events, Fall Concerts, School Musical (September thru November)
(individual season) $400 ($350 renewal) Winter Falcons Are Fabulous events, Winter Concerts, Preference, School Play (December - February)
(individual season) $400 ($350 renewal) Spring Prom, Music Festivals, Spring and End of Year Concerts, Spring Musical (March - May)
$800 ($700 renewal) 2 Seasons (Fall + Winter, or Winter + Spring, or Spring + Fall)
$1000 ($900 renewal) Full Year All Seasons
To Sponsor the band for what a full year, or one or two seasons. Please fill out the following form, send a jpeg of your business logo to Wendy Spafford at Clearfield High School ( Please include that this is for a business sponsorship for the Band, Choir, Theatre, or Orchestra. If you have a student in the performing arts classes and you wish them to get credit for it please include their name in the email.
Contact any Current Band Member, or Mr. Bailey @ for information on how to sponsor the band, through these banners.
CHS Mattress Fundraiser
Dates to Remember
In Class Kick Off ................................................................ Nov 1 & 2nd
Parent Meeting ...................................... Nov 3 @ 7 pm CHS Auditorium
Matress Fundraiser Dates .............................. November 19, 7 am - 5 pm